Supporting collegiate riders and their educational aspirations
Supporting collegiate riders and their educational aspirations
The Intercollegiate Equestrian Foundation Inc. (IEF) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation created to foster and promote intercollegiate equestrian activities through the offering of scholarships to members of the Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association.
The IEF awards multiple general scholarships annually to deserving IHSA and non-IHSA collegiate riders from across the country.
The IEF proudly supports a number of special scholarships, named for individuals who made collegiate riding and coaching their life's work.
IHSA members in their senior year are eligible to compete for this award, submitting an essay highlighting the role the IHSA played in their personal growth.
Compete for scholarship awards by testing your non-discipline specific horsemanship knowledge.
Find out how you can support the current and future generation of dedicated collegiate equestrian athletes.
Tate Gill
Midway University
Anna Landing
Purdue University
Reina Ann Coffee
Tennessee Technological University
Brooke Wolfinger
Delaware Valley University
Taylor Straub
Franklin & Marshall College
Micaela Calvetti
Centenary University
Hannah Postlewait
University of Florida
Grace Schroeck
Ohio State University
Gwyneth Clark
Taylor University
Langley Vernon
Clemson University
Mariah Diffenbach
Asbury University
Kelby Kimmel
Pennsylvania State University
Hailey Mitchell
Dickinson College
Ugne Koveraite
University of Southern California
Isabella O'Daniel
Bowling Green University
Kaitlyn Praisler
Morehead State University
Madelyn Rennecker
Lake Erie College
Lily Harper
Smith College